Hot take: people would be much better off if high school included some in-depth *practical* chemistry classes (teaching students about the uses of various classes of chemicals, and showing them how to solve real-world problems by selecting/blending chemicals)...
And then the practice of selling pure chemicals instead of proprietary blends was normalized.
The sheer amount of snake oil / useless crap being peddled as proprietary blends is horrible, increasing, & getting us constantly ripped off.
@IrelandTorin I've used baking soda and the powdered citric acid you get for canning to pretty good effect.
@coraxcelticus Baking soda and citric acid, when combined, undergo a neutralization reaction to produce sodium citrate and carbon dioxide.
While I suppose the gas generation might help break up some types of clogs under specific circumstances, generally speaking it's not helpful to combine baking soda and acids because of the aforementioned neutralization reaction.