So, I'm old enough to remember being asked "leaded or unleaded?" Why do so many people leave their car running at the pump? Guy pulls up, leaves cat dining, windows down but looks it to go inside the shop
How many of you fill up your car while the engine is running or is that not an impending explosion risk anymore?
Sometimes you just want a wonderfully crafted pop-ish song on a Sunday afternoon
Hotel Walls - Smith & Thell
On a day filled with laughter and music is had to share this from the 🐦 site
@chuck34108 @Alfred I used to hear numbers stations a lot when I was into Shorrwave listening and amateur radio. I actually have an SDR setup rig now but it’s not hooked up right now. The Conet project stuff is quite unusual! Just like the numbers stations!
@Alfred discussing numbers stations got me thinking about The Conet Project.
Gentle dreams, CoSonauts
Sadness and Sorrow from Naruto - Taylor Davis
Holy crap 😮 this first track from Jason Isbell and the Nashville 400 is just wow 😢
Sci-Fi, Socialist, Beer, Music, Rush, Anti-Flag, Frank Turner, Progressive, Atheist, Mr. Robot, Punk, Bourbon, Windows