Even though it was 19° this lovely morning, the snow had finally stopped falling overnight and I was headed off to work. Pulled over on my country road to appreciate how beautiful some mornings can be.
#cosophotos #afterthestorm
Did get some frames for the boys and it's looking pretty good in the music nook. Records themselves are safely stored away.
#cosomusic #OGBeatles
People that exercise at home; how do you decide when to do it?
I always feel like it should be before I shower and dress but that's when I'm having coffee. After I'm dressed I'm if to do whatever. Before lunch, I'm at work. After work, I'm getting dinner. Before bed, I'm working on new excuses.
Idk even know what do with these other than a stare-off.
I love a good brunch out (even tho I'm an introvert) but some mornings it's too wet and yucky to venture forth.
Yesterday I discovered this was a thing and made a $40 brunch for two dish.
Sci-Fi, Socialist, Beer, Music, Rush, Anti-Flag, Frank Turner, Progressive, Atheist, Mr. Robot, Punk, Bourbon, Windows