The Dems really need to get their messaging together.
It should be easy-peasy: "Biden is our candidate. If, at the convention, he changes his mind and someone else is on the ticket then they're our candidate. Yes, Biden has stumbled over his words but I still support him over the CONVICTED FELON of the other party".
Stop feeding the media machine.
@MidnightRider agreed on their ineptitude, messaging has always lacked on the Dem side. IMO, they need to be unified publicly & not giving the news headlines other than the fact that the Reps have a convicted felon running. Behind the scenes, they should push for a younger, vibrant candidate.that can hammer TFG.
@chuck34108 Biden thinks the Ukraine is run by Putin and that Trump is his VP. He’s too old, I’ll never forget that the Democrats and their ineptitude brought us fascism. Joe is in denial