#LeagueOfLegends #Worlds2022 #Semifinals started, #DRX vs #GENG
"How come I'm not seeing any conversations?"
On CounterSocial, user interaction works a little differently. Replies to top-level posts are only seen by followers, and by those who are involved in the conversation.
It's a core feature that makes things more genuine here. #CoSoTips
Instead of five columns, how about tabs? It's not like anyone can read more than one column at a time. Just put "Community firehose", "My friends", "Notifications", etc. as tabs at the top, and when you click on one, that column (what is currently a column, that is) pops to the top.
I turned on ostrich mode to stop some of the blinky scrolly doodads (thanks for the tip, peeps!), but you could also put those on a tab which is only seen when you want to look at it.
At 23:00 DRX vs GenG #GENGWIN