
More evidence of my naïveté: I honestly thought political media would care far more about women and girls dying due to lack of access to abortion care than they would over a U.S. Senator wearing a hoodie to work. Serves me right.

@charlotteclymer Mainstream Media is owned by 6 Mega Corporations. They're amoral. They answer to shareholders/tax breaks NOT the public interest. Corporations outlast governments and countries. People would rather be entertained than educated. Entertainment = Dollars = Executive Bonuses. Money OVER morality every single time.


There are literally thousands of stories being written on the risks to women from anti-abortion radicals.

I'll never, never understand the idea that news shouldn't be reported if there's news you wish were being reported HARDER.

They do actually cover more than a single news story at any given moment.


Doing a search, the only stories I can find in the past month documenting a woman dying from lack of access to abortion happened in Poland and Rwanda.

Help me out here.

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