
"Gay bars, lesbian bars, queer bars -- these don't simply exist for social entertainment, although that purpose is quite cherished. Their primary and most important component is serving as an oasis of personal dignity and safety... They are home and hearth for chosen family. They are nurturing desks for the drafts, rough and final alike, of queer artistic brilliance. They are a place to laugh and cry and breath freely."

@charlotteclymer Back in the 80's, off-duty cops used to be hired by gay bars to keep the patrons safe from being mugged and robbed on their way into and out of the clubs. These days, they'd apparently have to hire entire SWAT teams to keep the bars safe.


My home bar closed during the pandemic and I've not settled into a new one... but yes. They're community and family.

Thank you posting on Counter Social.
I have followed you for years on Twitter.

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