Meanwhile, through all this violent liberals have been straight up murdering people in night clubs and concerts and movie theatres and so on.
Peaceful right wing protests have the disguised woke police show up and turn them into riots by smashing windows, setting fires and throwing stuff at actual cops. But this only occurs in about 3% of the actual protests because the fake rioters keep getting caught.
Liberals push to make laws to make it legal to run over protesters with cars.
Lets continue this thought experiment.
Biden has been claiming to be a billionaire for years. But unlike every president since Nixon (and Ford), he refuses to release his tax returns.
After he loses he sends you an email begging you to help pay for his legal expenses to 'fight tyranny' and the 'unwoke mobs'.
All that money seems to vanish into the ether.
But that's ok the Left is all sure Biden is doing the right thing with it.
and Biden decides to make it so that if any foreign government wants to talk to him, they have to go to a hotel he owns in Rehoboth Beach. He force his secret service detail to rent rooms at his hotel and charges them insane amounts of money and won't let them use the bathroom.
But the libs think this is ok because that's just how things are done, right? And anyway Biden donated the $400k salary he gets every year. So don't mind that he golfed there 266 times in four years.
and then some George Soros buys Facebook and comes out saying that the government during the Biden administration was pressuring facebook to remove stuff for political reasons and the Trump campaign was trying to keep pictures of Eric Trump's dick off the platform because it was an invasion of privacy and it goes against the FB terms of service to show dick picks.
But it's only bad for Trump even though he wasn't the administration at the time. That's ok right?
Then the CEO of a company that makes animal themed jumpers for adults decides he's gotten 'all the evidence' needed to prove the election was stolen!
And he'll show it to you if you attend his cyber symposium for $500. Only he doesn't actually show any evidence. Just a bunch of random garbage the looks scary incriminating to the uneducated.
You're ok with that right?
A military style stack of kale eating leftists shows up with zip ties looking to drag off the Republican speaker of the house.
You're ok with that right?
Joe Biden spends the next two damn years being the old man who yells at clouds, trying 70 times in court to sue to get reinstated, holding rallies and begging you for money. Democratic members of congress are found to have texted messages demanding Sleepy Joe declare martial law during the insurrection.
You're ok with that right?
been listening to Republicans trying to make excuses for their insurrection and treason.
Lemme ax ya this.
Flip the script. Lets say its 2020 and Joe Biden is the incumbent He gets 74 million votes and loses to Trump who gets 81 million.
Pissed off liberals then storm the capitol looking to hang the VP, break windows, kill cops, rub shit on the walls and steal stuff.
You Republicans are ok with that right? That's how our democracy works now right?
No? Why is ok for you guys then?
You know. I've met intelligent, thoughtful Republicans. The type you can have a policy discussion, disagree with and not have to worry about them showing up in your bedroom at 2am to murder you and your whole family for Gawd and 'Merica.
I miss those type of Republicans. Can we trade Greene and Trump and Captain Pillow to get those Republicans back?
Marjorie Taylor Greene once had an arm wrestling contest with superman.
I'm not going to say who won, but the loser had to wear his underwear on the outside for the rest of his life.
Marjorie Taylor Greene can divide by zero.
Marjorie Taylor Greene once wrestled a bear, an alligator, and a tiger all at once.
She won by tying them together with an anaconda.
Marjorie Taylor Greene was once bitten by a rattlesnake. The poor snake spent the rest of it's life spitting out the poison
Death once had a near Marjorie Taylor Greene experience.
If you want to know who Marjorie Taylor Greene's enemies are, check the endangered species list.
Marjorie Taylor Greene recently decided to raise money by selling her pee as a canned beverage. It's now called Monster.
When God said "Let there be light" Marjorie Taylor Greene said "No way that would be socialism you damn libtard!"
Time waits for no man. But Marjorie Taylor Greene is no man.
Marjorie Taylor Green doesn't read books. She just stares them down until they give up their information.
ok so lemme get this straight Muskrat's big reveal was that the Trump administration and the Biden campaign had special access to moderators on Twitter... and that Trump was actively demanding stuff be taken down to benefit himself whereas Biden just wanted illicit dick pics of his son taken down. Dick pics that both violated Twitter ToS and privacy law.
So why is Muskrat so hyped up about pics of Hunter Biden's cock? Does he have the hots for Hunter or something?
a left leaning GenX-er tired of the fascist shit show that is America. Time for a reboot.