What's the process to verify accounts?
Musk: "Someone has to have a phone and a credit card. That's the bar. We will actively dismiss accounts engaged in deception/impersonation. I think it's gonna be a good world."
What are you smoking?
@NorthernInvader @carmen What I was thinking (or prepaid cc).
Also, WTF makes him think that Twatter is the "world" in ANY way, shape, or form?!
@TheEyeOfBalor Part and parcel of a narcissistic personality.
I'm thinking of the Russian crime ring that was busted in California stealing credit card information several years ago. 🤔
@carmen he would be the last person I give my credit card number to. What is to stop him from just draining it and saying oops! but nothing gets done about it because he is a rich white guy in America and I am just a poor working old woman? We all know the rich white guys can lie, cheat, steal, rape and pillage in America without any consequences. #TriggerWarning #ElonMusk
@GamingGal On point.
@carmen LOL - throwaway phone and stolen credit card :)