@DoubleAtari most definitely!! My dad had an Apple orchard (1k trees) and not a single red delicious. They are tasteless wood pulp.
@KreepyKimSofia welcome aboard!
@imaginetruth @Marmel good morning!
@stueytheround doing a bit of cleaning myself
@LiberalAlfredo welcome aboard
@Render Techno Viking!
@Render cherry and orange!! A real summer treat.
@Desmblake @Render flares to defend against IR missles
@Render @MrGoat @imaginetruth @phase I spy a FT-817
@ketchup9080 how about Arbys $5 for 5?
@Fiikus_goddess congrats Smushy!
@th3j35t3r wonderful
@stueytheround good morning!
@thereal_renaissance_man very true
@jcscher good morning!
@Irishroze what topic?? The late in the year she has probably moved on past Newton and motion.
Southwest small-town Ohio born and grown. Dodge three tornados and still kicking.
Retired EE with 37 years of board, LRU, and system level design for CNI.