@elmaxx this.
Some day I will automate myself out of a job. It's the only way to guarantee that I still have a job.
The sounds of people mowing their lawns in Virginia in February.
I am not ready for this, and yet
@corlin the only good inbox is one that routes every mess a ge right to the trash, with an auto reply of unsubscribe and an immediate blacklisting of the from.
You were not rude, or at least not rude enough. He should be questioning _his_ behavior.
I'm starting to miss the days when working in IT out of the Eastern Stansard Tribe was easy, because everyone set their clocks to EST and worked around us.
Now between the handoffs in from IST and out to PST, I end up starting early and skipping lunch making sure everything is going the way it should.
I'm really not all that interesting, unless you consider the coffee-fueled mania that is the day-to-day struggle of my love affair with data interesting.