today's bird-site gem:
Void Priestess Octavia Nouzen - @SlimePriestess: Can anyone tell me why this AI I'm trying to align with my pain and fear based ethic system keeps trying to betray me? Am I not punishing it hard enough? I keep hurting it but it keeps defecting as soon as its place in an out of distribution setting, what am I doing wrong here?
today's bird-site #cosopoetry gem:
Gary Snyder - @GarySnyderQuote:
Falling from a Height, Holding Hands
What was that?
storms of flying glass
& billowing flames
a clear day to the far sky -
better than burning,
hold hands.
We will be
two peregrines diving
all the way down
today's bird-site gem:
92NY Poetry Center - @92NYPoetry: "We have of the universe only inchoate, fragmentary visions, which we complement by arbitrary associations of ideas, creative of dangerous illusions."
— Proust <>
today's bird-site #cosopoetry gem:
Natalie Marino - @NatalieGMarino: How to write a poem when you're a little low on inspiration:
1. embrace your melancholy
2. find a few interesting verbs, nouns and adjectives
3. write
jump to 3.
I take the easy way sometimes:
Dangerous Meredith - @DangerousMere:
“Thinking is difficult, that’s why most people judge.” - Carl Jung @holdengraber
today's bird-site #cosopoetry gem from Plague Poems - @PlaguePoems:
Should you find
that you are still feeling anxious
consider cutting back
on the caffeine
you consume too much of it
so limit your intake
and after several days
you will have decent proof
that caffeine wasn’t the problem.
today's bird-site gem on #writing:
Tao Leigh Goffe, PhD | 道 | 🌔 - @taoleighgoffe: Even if you are not a poet, try writing a poem for each chapter in progress, distilling the ideas, it will tell you what sort of dissertation or book you’re writing. 📚 free verse, sonnets, haiku, slam?
poetry reveals to us so much about prose.
today's bird-site gem:
The Paris Review - @parisreview: “The dash is the consciousness leaping, it’s like a bridge from one idea to another.” —Hilton Als
I am not the droid you are looking for. Also an open access advocate and inveterate punster.