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So say you went online and made a purchase, and told the seller that you would pay them within 10 business days.

They would obviously laugh in your face, no?

But when it comes time to refund you, suddenly it takes 2 weeks to process payment?

Fuck off with that noise.

How have I not seen this before now?

The Lonely Island- Shy Ronnie

@Ellico2020bis I am becoming less a fan of chicken breast every day- especially the frozzed kind.

It's just not any GOOD.

@thedisasterautist @The_USA_Singers I might take it down as low as 25% speed.


And add 'Barbie Girl' at 200% on loop.

@Ellico2020bis What kind of chicken did you use?

If you want to try something extra next time- split the Andouille lengthwise and put a nice, hard sear on the insides you exposed. The flavor is worth it!

@CJLavoie I saw that.

Still not much of a rocker, but he plays an instrument at least.

@CJLavoie Not a rock musician, I can tell you that! 😁

@CJLavoie Looks like a few of them don't have anything to do with rock and roll.

Missy Elliott? Wow.

@CJLavoie If only I had access to a vast source of easily searchable information at my literal fingertips, I could look it up for my lazy-ass self.

Oh, wait lol

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