Countries where PayPal does not operate
🇿🇼 Zimbabwe
🇺🇿 Uzbekistan
🇹🇱 Timor-Leste
🇸🇾 Syria
🇸🇩 Sudan
🇸🇸 South Sudan
🇱🇨 Saint Lucia
🇵🇾 Paraguay
🇵🇰 Pakistan
🇰🇵 North Korea
🇲🇲 Myanmar
🇲🇪 Montenegro
🇲🇨 Monaco
🇲🇩 Moldova
🇱🇾 Libya
🇱🇷 Liberia
🇱🇧 Lebanon
🇮🇶 Iraq
🇮🇷 Iran
🇭🇹 Haiti
🇬🇭 Ghana
🇬🇦 Gabon
🇬🇶 Equatorial Guinea
🇨🇮 Cote D'Ivoire
🇨🇫 Central African Republic
🇨🇲 Cameroon
🇧🇩 Bangladesh
🇦🇫 Afghanistan
@arunshah Three times was blessed to have the boss be out of the chair, in front of the entire process clearing obstacles running blocker for any harmful intrusions.
Enjoy life. Have fun. Be kind. Have worth. Have friends. Be honest. Laugh. Die with dignity.