Mark Cuban is great!
Right on target.
@Zevon while it's not a huge surprise, it's still jaw-dropping to hear first hand how abysmally amoral that clique is. And yes, the ending is rescuing our faith in humanity ;-)
@feloneouscat well, in all fairness, babies in Florida are brought into this world by pelicans
Love it... " find your voice" that's the most concise meaning of Life 😍
was there additional teacher training to support optimal implementation?
This is awesome.
Tx again (( 💛 ))
I'll dive deeper into these materials. I think it's important to understand how they do assessment- avoid over-assessment vs. asses 'right' things at the right time, to ensure progress.
In some places...over-assessment is an issue along with non-sensical mambo-jambo (un)/illtargeted team-based chronophagic pseudo 'active learning' missing the real benchmarks.
very interesting, thank you for sharing.
I'd be curious to learn more about how they teach/develop learners' critical thinking.
Great point. I agree 100%, bad actors playing on the vulnerabilities of human nature.
@ecksmc I'll let Alfred work on this 🤣 🥂
@kel yeah, he's so irresponsible & self-centered
@Jorro awesome satire, glad you enjoyed it 😃
@Museek oh, yes, the dog at the end is epic !! Brilliant work, and he did so fast
My specs are in the head'er.
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