@annamousse 2 lbs mozzarella, 1-1/3 lbs cottage cheese, 1 egg, 1/3 lb shredded parm, 2 jars NSA sauce, a bulb of garlic, a huge red onion, 20oz diced mushrooms, 1/2 lb ground pork, 1-1/2 lbs ground turkey. I prefer cottage cheese over ricotta in lasagna. It’ll take us at least a week to eat.
@annamuneca lol on ricotta. was spoiled living in an Italian neighborhood.
sauce was about 4 1/2 qts cuz i don't go to all that work without benefits. dyk lasagna freezes well? i'll portion it out, freeze individually for those days when i don't know what i want happens.
used 3# ground beef, 1 1/2# sweet italian sausage. no 'shrooms - allergy.