This is my dad back in WW2 on Tarawa Island. When the war ended his platoon of Seabees were sent to Nagasaki and Hiroshima to clean up the mess. He saw horrible things he never spoke a word about. Many shots and beers later he died quietly. Happy Veterans Day to all who serve our nation. You are its honor.
Objects in the mirror are closer than they appear. The more things change the more they stay the same.
This memory popped up this morning.
Attended a memorial tribute for my high school classmate, Mari Steed, yesterday. Mari's footprint on this planet was enormous. There are real heroes on this planet. Mari was one of them. She came to America in the early 60s carrying the doll in this picture. She went out wearing the hat with honor. Part of her story is linked.
Gártha my dear friend.
So we're exiting the polling place in suburban Philadelphia and some clown walks by us towards check in with this shirt on. I am so weary with their smug crap.
This was a photo I took on January 21, 2017. I've thought back to that day frequently over the past few weeks. When we marched that day we had no idea what the future would hold. Great worry begat great community. It's time to erase January 20th, 2017 from our nation's history.
When is the WaPo going to hire Tucker Carlson and stop pretending. This is their fair and balanced article of the day. God, if I could only cancel every day until Nov. 24th when my. subscription ends.
Reading a column in the WAPO where you can put in your zip code and they'll tell you how many donated to which party in your town. I'm stunned given the number of Trumpy signs on the front lawns of my neighbors.
Flew in from that other place. Very Glad to be here, people are central to social media that works.