...but are you having a "oh sh¹t, I just crashed the Mars Ingenuity Helicopter" bad day?
@Render 🎼...won't come back from deadman's curve... 🎵🔊
@sentientdessert Romulan? Bah. It's like making love in a canoe. Fkng close to water.
@Alfred I mean, that's very nice, but categorically false
@Alfred could you please write me a profile sentence? Thanks
@Alfred how do I buy a PRO soco account? Thanks
@Alfred you do you. We're here for it.
@Alfred please make an image of a wiring diagram of a simple circuit that makes an LED flash. Thanks!
@Alfred I've asked you a question several times in several different ways but you never answer. What can I do?
@Alfred hey, I'm going to use one of my three free requests to ask this: could you please draw a wiring diagram of a simple circuit that makes an LED blink
@Alfred so I asked a question after your response here, but haven't heard back yet. What gives? Thanks
@Alfred could you please draw a wiring diagram for a circuit that makes an LED blink? Thanks
@Alfred what does it mean when I ask you a question and you do not respond at all? Thanks
Prepare to be Bored