driving north with a girl and a dog in a truck
@Teri_Kanefield so happy you’re here, Teri! you were one of my last follows before abandoning twitter.
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@CheriJacobus I've been here for the past few years in large part *because* it's quite a bit different from Twitter.
The community is what shines here - I like to see the focus there rather than on the window dressing. :)
I do hope you'll get used to the layout over time! I really like it after having time to get used to it.
In the old days, I would gloat on the internet at Lindsay.
In these mature days, I gloat with *you* _about_ Lindsay.
Gift link: https://wapo.st/3FEHPeG
in the old days, I would go find Lindsay on the internet and gloat.
That accomplishes nothing. Now I'll just gloat here.
Still accomplishes nothing, but does seem a bit more civil.
Gift link: https://wapo.st/3FEHPeG
and AND
the SF Bay is getting rain tomorrow.
i will be in it.
what is it about mondays....
I will keep saying this: CoSo is not Twitter. Your toots are not going to go viral. There is no algorithm pumping up controversial content. There are no trending hashtags. This is your chance to change how you interact with people online. It's your chance to reclaim a humanity which social media giants seek to extirpate.
(sigh, sorry forgot the #news flag)
ok, heading out into the world.
but i’ll leave you with some quiet fire.
@kaehlys i have a very important question:
did you make
a) waffles
b) eggs
c) all of the above
let's be good to each other.
bikes, caffeine, hazy, and jazz in that order?