coming back from twitter to CoSo tonight, i feel a pang of loss; i’m giving up the opportunity to argue with strangers in public.
i know that’s healthy, and yet i feel sad letting it go.
@_jeremygray Yes, I'm going to miss calling my congressman a lying insurrectionist.
@Book_Hoarder lol, we’re on the same page
Definitely a different culture/environment here.
Complete opposite from the dirty bird.
@_jeremygray I've been less active over there lately. Can't say I've missed it much. If it gets any more toxic, I won't miss it at all, especially if the orange menace returns.
@DVillella no kidding. “if” is trending to “when” more by the minute.
@_jeremygray I'm waiting to see who gets booted over there for daring to question Dear Leader. I've been put in Twitmo several times just for QUOTING him.
@_jeremygray I hear that- ive resisted the urge successfully to login to twitter for all the reasons youve described so far.
Here youll be in contact with human beings and real ideas you can bounce around.
so i swapped out the home screen icon and will be here.
let’s be patient with each other as we shed some of the callouses we’ve built and remember how to be decent, even (ESPECIALLY) in disagreement.
end of thread.