Treason for the season!
@Barrachd Hello and welcome
@jplauer See it. Thanks!
@emerson I found block, but (asks stupidly) where's report? I'm pretty much have the report function on speed dial on Twitter, but haven't had to find it here before.
Meanwhile, in Canada
Ontario Premier (Liberal) sues leader of opposition (Conservative) for defamation.
Fascinating. The robopolls have Moore way ahead, live-calling polls have Jones way ahead, in general. A major difference is that robopolls are prohibited by law from calling cell phones. And, cell phone users apparently favor Jones by 30% (!).
Bottom line: keep up the good work in Alabama, folks. There's no way of knowing how it will turn out.
Nate Silver gives his opinion, which is that Jones has ~30% chance of winning. But, of course, that's what Trump had in aggregate polls last year!
@beard Only decent thing the nylon-crested orange has done so far. No doubt it's because he wants to sit in a rocket and go "vroom vroom", but we'll take what we can get.
@beard Yeh, cause that's exactly how charges of sexual harassment are handled--by having people vote.
@Benjamin @serrenity Menorah in the window. Sukkah in the yard.
You better believe I'm nailing a mezuzah to the doorframe at closing too. :)
@Benjamin Buy it and make the neighborhood better.
@wildnfree To do what, now?
@jenannie Very.
Ottawa, Ontario. Retired medical researcher and professor.