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CounterSocial is a community of real people, and real people tend to discuss current events. If there's a topic that's harshing your mellow, then we highly recommend setting up filters to remove that topic from your timeline.

Seasoned CoSo users will set up temporary filters to limit exposure to certain topics, then go back and remove those filters after they've died down. It's a great way to curate your experience here!

Tried the filter function, I got a bit tired of all " GO VOTE " posts. It's not that im against voting but being told multiple times to vote on something im not eligable to vote about is annoying. I hope i did correct in the settings, I dont want it permanently cause I am curious about the outcome.

Been without a dog since 19th august, And I can say its not easier. I keep finding her toys, expecting a snore, or bumping into her. Her name was Dizzy, she moved in with my girlfriend. I had her in my life for about 11-12 years, I never expected to like a small dog. Im used to big ones, Borzoi. Not small shihtzus that disappeared in the northern snow, but damn she really took me by storm. After a while she was more my dog than my GF, and I loved her.She turned 14, sadly cancer had other plans.

Last sunday we had our session of , Now the company of mutant doctors will amidst a war go save their patients from the enemy. Dr All Ears the fennec is ready to go into a stealth mission with her friends. With a flintlock pistol on her back ( which is more like a sawed of shotgun for her size ) she is determined to live up to her wolf heritage! ( Yes, she was adopted. But she's a wolf at heart lol ). Next session is sunday, so we will see what happens!

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Welcome to all of the new folks that have found your way to CoSo. You've joined an AMAZING community!

A great link to keep available is the user guide:

Have a great day.

Oh nice, Drakar och Demoner have started a new kickstarter for a new book, this time also under the name .I guess it would felt to off to just translate it roughly to Dragons and Demons lol . it looks pretty decent, but I still miss the old school black and white art. cant remember when i played DoD fully, would love to play it again!

We are having WAY to much fun with our home made chicken broth haha xD

Ofc I have to post her 2nd image, wearing a full fur coat made of a swedish 'normal' fox. Just thougth it was a fun paradox, kinda like goofy walking pluto in a leesh. If you never heard about mutant its an old swedish RPG, that nowadays exists both as a nice PC game and translated under the name " Mutant year zero " I dont like the new games system but its OK, i think the best one of them was 2nd ed? Mutant undergångens arvstagare ( Mutant the heritance of judgementday badly translated by me )

Game on today! continuation of the Mutant campaign where I play " All Ears " the surgeon specialised on animalistic mutans. Fennec fox mutant with extreme speed and sonar hearing, very fun character to play ^^ As you can see shes kinda old character, we started playing again maybe... a year ago? ( not sure ) .

Zolah boosted

he presentation-quality hardcover is still available via Goodman Games, and as a 'forever DM' it is a sure fire way to add some spice to your sessions (disclaimer: sadistic DM'ing should only be done with consent of the players)

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The books were presented in a narrative style by 'Grimtooth', a black-eyed troll who had "from the four corners of the earth" and presented to writer Paul Ryan to be published. Goodman Games purchased the rights in 2015, and published the first 5 via Kickstarter

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Published in 1981 by by Flying Buffalo, Grimtooth's Traps were a sure way for the GM of any RPG system to cause total chaos with their parties. The 7 book series presented some of the most brutal, TPK'ing, sidesplitting traps ever to be used against adventurers. The Rube Goldberg-style trap design is easily the most fun any DM looking to add some hilarity and abject horror to an overconfident gang of adventurers can have.

This is so fun ! If I dont remember wrong they made a book into swedish called " Grymkäfts fällor " but for our version of DnD -> Drakar och Demoner . I just get giddy when I see old memories like this, if I had the money I would buy the old books! So many memories <3

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Hey new fam, a good mate of mine is stressing out that she will lose nearly 70% of her income if and when the Birb site goes down. She is looking for a new home for her amazing 'goth, but cute' artwork. NZ based , ships internationally. Mention CounterSocial if you place an order and let her know there are eyes here for her stuff

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Twitter refugees: if you are leaving Twitter for good, do NOT deactivate your account, just set it to private and leave it.

Otherwise you risk squatters taking your name and exploiting your reputation, manipulating your followers, or coercing you into buying it back from them.

Bots smell the blood in the water; let's not leave them chum.

Zolah boosted

Hey nerdlings, Allow me to introduce you to out little accidentally viral . 5 episodes in so far with more in the pipeline. Check out our main series, as well if you are a fan of fantasy or gaming.

I miss having a comunity where i could draw fanart stuff and play around with other creators, its just hard to find something to totally dive into. Last time was My little pony, and it all started as a small joke with a friend. BAM suddenly I drew ponies all day long and had tons of fun connections with other people, making small stories and whatnot. I could probably go back but that magic is kinda gone now, been thinking about making a tumblr with my own creations and try to work the same way

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PSA - Link previews have been disabled while I investigate an issue with pulling them from their external source.

Don't freak out.

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Starting to notice lag on posts and things.

DoS attacks must be ramping up again.

Welcome to CoSo, new users! You know you're in the right place when there's an active effort to sabotage this place to put you off staying here.

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CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.