Hello fellow hope you are due a great weekend.

Last couple of days have been rather stressful for me (found out a family member needs surgery next month), which is part of the reason I've been very quiet.

@FatalExit Good morning . Sorry to hear you're having a stressful time

@Zailrand Thank you!

Obviously it's of no fault of anyone here on though! This site helps me to chill, so thank you for replying! 💛



No but it's a good supportive place when you're having a hard time - genuine humans and very little snark.

I'm having a hard time head (ADHD, anxiety and stress) and job wise (redundancy - no I don't work for twitter thankfully.. ) but this is a nice place to come and chill...

@Zailrand 100%. I think we have a lot of similarity psychologically.

Not as stressful for me work wise, because I only do enough work to leave me a little extra cash on top of my disability payment, because I'm pretty much housebound at the moment.

While that sucks, I'm lucky to live somewhere where I can avail of something like that and with a loving family that are helping me to feel less like trying to off myself again.


Nice to hear you have a living and supportive family around you :) My husband is wonderful - not sure how I'd cope without him.

The work thing is mega shit though. It's triggered a lot of the bad head stuff - I thought my employer was supporting me with my newly diagnosed (2 years ago at 52) ADHD, turns out they were just paying lip service in many ways and I'm now reaping the consequences of that

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