"The rocket company and its 10,000 employees soared to new heights week after week in 2022, presenting what appeared to be a parallel universe governed by precision as chaos roiled the other ventures of Elon Musk, its founder and chief executive."



NASA still partners with Space X when they could be doing the same shit without Space X. Just another government subsidy that Elon loves so much so he can tell us how bad government is.

@miserable_day Sorry, but as someone who's worked out here for 10+ years almost none of what you said is true.

SpaceX submits bids in response to NASA issuing Requests for Proposals. SpaceX wins some contracts, not others.

NASA cannot discriminate. The Air Force lost a lawsuit about ten years ago when it tried to perpetuate a monopoly with United Launch Alliance. If you want NASA to violate the law, you're entitled to your opinion, but your opinion is illegal and won't hold up in court.

@miserable_day NASA contracts are not "subsidies." They are a payment for a service.

There have been contracts over the decades where Congress decided it wanted to invest seed money in advancing American technology so the U.S. maintains a competitive advantage over other nations, e.g. Russia and China. That has been in NASA's charter since 1958, long before SpaceX began in 2002.

SpaceX, ULA, Blue Origin, Axiom, and many more companies have contracts from NASA to advance our lunar technology.


Sorry. I think my last rhetorical question got lost in the shuffle.

Does Elon benefit financially from this arrangement?

If so, then FUCK him and FUCK this shit.


@miserable_day Elon is the CEO and self-titled Chief Designer, as well as its co-founder and the majority shareholder, so of course he's paid. Under federal law, that is irrelevant.

But the day-to-day operations are run by Gwynne Shotwell, who everyone agrees is the one who's made SpaceX what it is. SpaceX recently hired to longtime NASA Associate Administrator Bill Gerstenmaier to be the #2.

Elon is an a**hole. But he's hardly the only a**hole in aerospace.


Fuck Elon. Fuck SpaceX. Fuck this arrangement. Fuck this shit.

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