Hi @th3j35t3r, having trouble logging in on the laptop. Says my credentials are invalid. Still works fine here, is there an issue or is it me? I always stay logged in, so I'm not sure how I even got logged out.
@Willowy Have you tried the 'forgot password' link on the login screen?
@th3j35t3r Also it first tells me that "this member hasn't enabled public landing page"
@th3j35t3r my profile IS public. And I still have not received the password reset link, and yes I've checked the spam folder. Is there a help link? I don't want to keep bothering you with this.
@Willowy PS your profile is not public because you haven't enabled it in your preferences. I know this because you haven't got the green 'PLP ENABLED' label (see example below) on your profile.
@th3j35t3r preferences are set to public. Hmm. Wish I knew what the issue is, grr.
@th3j35t3r It is now. ;)
@Willowy Now your profile is public and can be viewed by non COSO users, anywhere on the web.
@th3j35t3r Thank you for all the patience and help. All's good now! w00t!
@Willowy 👍
@Willowy Sounds like you're not sure which email your registered. DMing you now.. .