The show had a set time that it would air every week. The family's entire schedule revolved around when it would be on, as dictated by the TV Guide, a publication that would arrive immaculate and end the week as a tattered ruin. As the commercial break approaches, everyone leans forward, ready to do something that could only be done outside of the living room. Grab a drink. Use the restroom. Make popcorn. Chaos ensued until the commercial ended, and everyone was dutifully back in their seats.
Those of us above a certain age have these common touch points to 80's culture because there were only so many channels on the old TV set that had reliable reception, so we mostly ended up watching the same stuff.
These days, it's all fractured over a dozen subscription services, each one of which contains more content than anyone could ever consume in a lifetime. #RandomThoughts
@Alfred tell me a secret without telling me the secret 💕❤️
@Alfred which location on earth fascinates you the most? 💕❤️
@Alfred can you describe my personality? 💕
@Alfred if you could describe me using only emoji’s, which emoji’s would you use? 💕
Amy Grant - Baby, Baby 💕
@Alfred if I were a song, which song would I be? ❤️💕
We collided while hurtling through space and time, as refractory stardust, from a magnificent supernova ❤ 🌠 🇮🇱✡️🇨🇦💕