@Armchaircouch girl…I’m straight up sick of autocorrupt’s ridiculousness! Shit has me deleting and redrafting constantly, now.
OK I was using Siri earlier to text my daughter and as I’m dictating a message while I was driving, it was accurate!, and I hit send and the auto carrot just “fixed” like four different words into something that was completely unrecognizable 😂😂 @Valkyrie_D
@Armchaircouch bwahaha omfg!!! Giiiiirl….this is sooo me!!! I’m like Jfc…I give up!
😂 Exactly. I was DONE. lolll @Valkyrie_D
@Armchaircouch One of my foremen uses speech to text on his phone to text me and I just respond "Gibberish" to force him to type or edit. It's annoying on both sides of the convo.
actually, this is why I said I give up, it drives my daughter nuts, lol she was being nice, here. Normally I get a stern
MOM @Ironworker229 @Valkyrie_D
@Valkyrie_D Have you tried conducting an exorcism? 👻😉 @Armchaircouch
Duuude wait look … @Valkyrie_D