@voltronic I would be snarky if I just said, "expensive." :) Butcher called it a boneless beef rib roast. Pretty much a boneless prime rib. I'm not a bad cook, but I always get nervous when I'm put in charge of something like this. So far so good.
@bit Brother Where Art Thou. Most interesting role George Clooney has ever played IMO.
@Idrake My only warning is that you're about out of Jack.
@Bunkerbob I still have bird site and FB accounts I look at sporadically. Too many pin prick reasons to need to stay connected there. One day a bird site tweet from @th3j35t3r peaked my interest and I looked here.
I compare it to when you spend thanksgiving with your family. Mostly a necessary evil. Then you get to go home, take off your shoes and just not deal with your crazy uncle and drunk aunt for a while.
Just a nudge to get some of the newbies engaged. Lots of tags to make life fun.
Like #DogsOfCoSo
Cooper says Hi. But leave him alone because he's watching Season 5 of Better Call Saul.
@annamuneca @LiberalLibrarian I thought I was the only one who hit the peat wall earlier than others. I'm actually a blended fan myself usually. And I'll always be a Chivas fan because my dad loved it. A Royal Salute was the ultimate gift for him.
@Alt_Human Well that sucks. That tiny happy thought about the potential indication of bad things with inventory was good. But the news itself made me sad. 😪
@DonnaMae Welcome. The flip-the-pic anomaly is ever present. The CoSo interface does prefer landscape pictures. But I've always struggled with having my pics turned 90 degrees...sometimes. A quick edit of a pic before you post it sometimes fixes it. I'm not sure what the real answer is for that.
But no one will mind a kitty on it's side.
@JeSsA ha! True!!☺️
@MovieNights aahhh! Love this movie! Can't attend tonight though. Awesome choice.
I'm excited to have an influx of new users. It will seem strange at first but it's real. Open dialog, adult discussions and even disagreements, coffee, art, poetry, pets, and more. Don't assume any political affiliation regardless of what you may have heard. And, hear me out here, no troll bullshit. You'll find yourself in a niche and that's fine. People like what they like. Just remember to look at the firehose. You never know what will tickle your fancy. Have fun!
@Witchypoo I'm usually not quick enough on the draw to send this to new folks. But here you. Good starting place.
@dratino @Cassandra 2meg limit. I had that problem initially as well.
@Alfred how many new users did CoSo add in the last 48 hours?
Gogs? Let’s try #DogsOfCosco
😂 😜
Cooper thinks he is settled in for the night. He also knows that his kennel Is calling him and he will gladly go there when I tell him.
G’nite everyone.
NE boy who hides in plain sight.