FUCK YA!!! 👏
"According to the Salt Lake Tribune newspaper, the parent who complained said the King James Bible "has 'no serious values for minors' because it's pornographic by our new definition", referring to the 2022 book-ban law."
@see_the_sus Anyone who views the Christian Bible as a suitable blueprint for a good and moral life is a cherry-picker extraordinaire.
@HealingHobbit I call it pseudo-mystical fan fiction. @see_the_sus
@TwiHusband @HealingHobbit
One of the reasons I walked away from the Catholic church when I was 18, (main reason was that my parents no longer had a say on these things), is that I had finally figured out the church never taught us about all the stories in the bible. All we did was repeat the same ones year-in-and-year-out. My mother never encouraged us to read the bible, yet we were expected to be good little Catholic kids.
I can't stand hypocrisy or hypocrites.