I'm just getting into gardening 3hrs south in Ruidoso and am hoping to have plants that gorgeous. Great Job!
@Tray_siv Thank you! I am not a NM native, so it has been hit or miss as to what works here. I have four of these Desert Bird of Paradise I grew from seeds. I bought the seeds from Plants of the Southwest website. They have to overwinter in dirt before they come up. They are prolific bloomers and grow very fast. No special care. They do have seed pods that explode and shoot out seeds in late summer, which the first time you hear it is surprising! ha
I'm checking that website out.
This is fantastic! I'm looking for fun perennials.
@Tray_siv And the good thing about pink muhly is you can plant a couple of small plants from the nursery, then the next year or so, split them down the middle thru the roots and plant the cut offs elsewhere. Also, the red hot pokers can be split up, too. And should be because if the plant gets too bushy, it won't bloom as well. However, they can spread invasively if you don't have a weed barrier. So, keep that in mind.