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A thought experiment - let this phase roll around in your head for a little bit and see what comes up “Chinese billionaire.”

I may need to reread 1984. The last time I read it, it was still in the future....

I had never heard of this until this morning. Thank you to @empressonyxx for the quiz question that sent me on a search to learn more.

The acoustics in this church are amazing and these guys make the most of it!

Good morning, CoSo!

Peace and tranquility, in yourself and in the world around you, are excellent things to have. But their pursuit can become self-defeating, if you make finding peace dependent on arranging your environment exactly _so_, and start to see other people and things that encroach upon your peace as threats. You can spend more time worrying about safeguarding your peace than actually experiencing it. Instead of calm, you're getting upset at every deviation from your ideal situation.

A little bit of light for this Thursday morning. I love this cover of Sting's "English Man In New York" by The Big Push.

Well, I did it. I just deactivated my TW account which I’ve had since August of 2010. Bye bye birdie!

The Supreme Court rejects a controversial Trump-backed election theory in a dispute over North Carolina's 2022 congressional map

Folks, again, I caution you to be extremely critical of any information regarding the situation in Russia

This is also where I remind you that you can't trust ANYTHING on twitter because there is no longer a verification system (as lousy and arbitrary as it was) and you don't know for sure who's talking.

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tisfolly (Mark - he/him)

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.