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So where are the MTG players at on coso?

I haven't played yet but 2 of my friends are about to teach me. I bought a starter commander deck, Chaos Incarnate, which has Kardur as the commander. I'm excited to learn and play. Mrs. Prime is also intrigued.

@AskTheDevil Ouch, sorry to hear that. Went through that 19 years ago. You can and will get back up.

@Alfred can you create an image of Willy Wonka"s chocolate waterfall but it's balsamic vinaigrette instead of chocolate?

The new Wonka movie is really entertaining & it's better than the reviews. It's not meant to be an homage or reinvention. It tells the origin story of Willy in a style that can only be described as Wonkified.

The best part is the that it does a nice job sprinkling in nods to the original. From subtle background music, orignal takes on certain songs, the slight limp in his walk & other things you can easily miss if you haven't seen the first a million times like me.

I thoroughly enjoyed it.

People that think we were better off four years ago were missed by the swinging Darwin hammer.

I hope you've enjoyed my playing the entire Jar of Flies album by Alice Chains for your listening pleasure this morning.

Have a great day Cosonaughts ❤️

Yes I am giving you a play by play of me playing AiC Jar of Flies on my record player. Enjoy.

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