This must be Thursday. I never could get the hang of Thursdays.

If you were a , which two movies would you introduce to the audience? Repost this with your picks!

I'd go with:
"The American President"
and "Stand and Deliver"

Anime/Gacha art Show more

I realize just how much of a Star Wars nerd I am (I really don't set out to be) when I see a reference that others don't see. I feel... seen. Too seen. πŸ˜…

It's fun watching Rogue One and remembering where it is in the timeline.

Luke's probably off "bullseye-ing" womp rats in his T-16 (they're not much bigger than 2 meters, I hear)

, a lot of older works are in the , not just the ancient stuff from Plato or Thomas Aquinas. If you're looking to try out , is a good place to start.

I'm goin to be delving into Bertrand Russell's 1917 work, myself πŸ˜πŸ“–

Why am I just finding out now that Sir Arthur Conan Doyle wrote "" horror?

I say that in quotes because Doyle's story actually predates Lovecraft's first foray into "" by 3 years!

Spoiler/Hitting Show more

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Okay, what the heck, Hoyo?! We have consequences now?!


In addition to the ethical issues surrounding how the AI is trained on the work of human artists and the lack of transparency about what inputs it's relying on to create texts or images... there's the problem that people are far more willing to ascribe competence, creativity, and thought to something that's basically a calculator.

They're relying on it to do things like write contracts or answer factual questions--and it can't do that. Not really. It can only appear to do that.

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Mike πŸ«—

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