@cmajuscula AMEN.
@purrrism Without my mom around, I have a very low opinion of reality.
@danialexis He needs to call them on their bluff, but of course he won't. Like you said, he's more limited than a lot of people seem to think, but there are ways to take advantage of this.
@danialexis It's beyond disappointing. And this ruling was no doubt made while he's still in office because they know he will never fight them at their level.
The rules either exist for both sides or they don't exist.
@danialexis Agreed. Even if by some miracle, the Dems win the presidency and supermajorities in the House and Senate, I can't imagine any serious efforts will be made at reining in SCOTUS or expanding the court.
Instead, they'll continue to treat bullet wounds with bandaids, and we'll forever remain one Republican administration away from authoritarian collapse.
Creator of a depressing comic strip. Liver of a depressing life. Writer of depressing bios.