@Apocryphiliac House (1977) is just so damn strange and fun. It's like a pop record that's so far outside of what you normally listen to that you can't really explain why you enjoy it so much.

I'm just now realizing though that I actually haven't seen that much Japanese horror. I've seen a ton of Korean, Hong Kong, and Indonesian horror but for some reason I've seen way more straight drama from Japan. Gonna have to work on that.

@deadweirdo @Apocryphiliac

I so want to see this! Just curious is it fun and not too disturbing for a tween or preteen?

@TheAbbotTrithemius @Apocryphiliac that's a tough call for me to make. I was listening to Gwar at 10 so my gauge is a little off. I think it would be fine. There is very brief nudity but I don't think anything is particularly sexualized. The gore is extremely stylized and it's often very surreal overall. Maybe check Common Sense Media or the IMDB Parent Guide to be sure if you don't want to pre-screen. It can't screw a kid up worse than Grave of the Fireflies imho.



Thanks for that. I saw Gwar a long time ago with Meat Beat Manifesto and Front Line Assembly.

it was utterly preposterous (the were wearing gigantic T-Rex costumes and utterly awesome.

Not Butthole Surfers level preposterous awesomeness, but it was up there.. :)

This awesome in your bio:

*Quixotically attempting to make art while the earth dies screaming.*


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