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Hello all, new nauts, not so new nauts and plain ole OG nauts!!

November 17, 2017 was the day CoSo opened it's doors and so as these things go, the big annual bill the servers that allow this place to run so smoothly and support CoSo On Demand and access to the cable channels (MSNBC, CNBC) is coming due as well.

Please help support CoSo, if you can!

If you can't, no worries, we got you!

Because that's how we do.. ;-)

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Periodic PSA: If you live in a place that restricts access to abortion, you have options.



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Lincoln expanded the court from 7 to 9 justices in part because there were 9 federal circuits. There are now 13 federal circuits. Just sayin'...

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They were careless people, Tom and Daisy—they smashed up things and . . . then retreated back into their money . . . and let other people clean up the mess they had made.

- The Great Gatsby

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@TheAbbotTrithemius I love these! I am going to change out my FB header with a new one each day until the election just to piss off my Trumpster friends..

Finding joy in any place right now. 😬

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To reiterate @th3j35t3r words.....

If you are out of work, or short of funds, this place is still open and welcomes your participation.

Please do not feel obligated to help fund this place.

This is your place.

We all hold up each others sky.

There will come a time, when you can help financially.
Until then don't sweat it.

Yet, if you can throw this place a little money, this is the time, as a big bill is coming due.

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Translation: Putin knows the writing is on the wall, Trump is out, and now he's done with Trump as his useful idiot >>

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hey you. yes you. you live in Dade County, Fla? get your ass in gear. I need you to go vote. c'mon. I'll give you a ride.

"And there’s still areas of concern for the party. Miami-Dade, a blue county and Florida’s most populous, is among the 10 counties where Republicans have outperformed."

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Excellent read I had bookmarked some time ago.

Rural Christian white America has a dark ... underbelly

"For us “coastal elites” who understand evolution, genetics and science, nothing we say to those in flyover country is going to be listened to because not only are we fighting against an anti-education belief system, we are arguing against god. You aren’t winning a battle of beliefs with these people if you are on one side of the argument and god is on the other."

Time for bed. Good night, y’all.

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Marty Obst, a top adviser to VP Mike Pence, tested positive for coronavirus this week, a source says

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A—wait for it—bobcat.


l’ll see myself out...

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Worst Person in the World by Keith Olbermann No. 5: Mitt Romney is an enabler o Trump's terrorism.

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Kim Mangone for Ca-23

We have a real shot at beating Kevin McCarthy. If everyone who saw this chipped in just $5, we would blow our fundraising goals out of the water. Please retweet and chip in here to be a part of our victory over Kevin McCarthy:

Lets kick stupid out of Congress, donate:

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