Homeland Security Admits It Tried to Manufacture Fake Terrorists for Trump
@Thumprhare That's what I heard. IDK what CONUS is or anything like that, I was just sending out a signal to say that I'm down and not ignoring everyone, lol. I pasted it into the chat box and would walk by and hit send over and over until it finally sent 🤣
Raise your voice.
While you still have a choice.
V O T E!!!
Let me take you on a walk down to the lake at my house. Such a beautiful day.
Here ya go @Ostacia_Vye
I can't upload the original for some reason, so here's a link oh my TikTok I made of this hover fly a.k.a. “good news bee” that comes in my house every day through an open door and hangs out with me for a while. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRx1f6Lu/