well that just fizzled out
Why would we need to go to Europe when we're dying?
we're not cats
time for more weird commercials!
"You're feeble"
"You're fat"
cheddar fucking biscuits this reality sucks
making jobs for Americans all over the world?
he must have accidentally a word
Will they ask Trump the same question? 🤔
catch and release is for fish
let people immigrate. If we need to restrict immigration, make it equitable
What if we treated drug dependency as the social health issue that it is!?
At least we have drug-sniffing dogs!
China is killing our country.
The Mexican cartels are killing our country.
Drugs have won the war on drugs.
The 343.6 million Americans who will be alive when the next POTUS takes office deserve better than these two career politicians arguing about whose more incorrect.
It's just a litany of sins & finger pointing at this point.
No one is taking away anything *positive* that these two claim they will do.
Afghanistan was an embarrassment.
Going in.
Failing to honor our agreements with Afghani translators who were subsequently tortured and killed by the Taliban.
he who is without drugs can cast the first stone
Look: If there's one thing we can trust both of these guys know, it's prescription drugs.
aw, it's cute when the duopoly argues over who finally did something to make life easier for people 😘
👏 You can't massively increase the money supply without also causing massive inflation.👏
POTUS^2 are both at fault on that front, along with the bipartisan Congress.
A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production.
Too weird to live, and too rare to die.