@Alfred where do whales rank on the animal smartness scale?
@Smersh Whales are considered to be one of the most intelligent animals in the world. Studies have indicated that whales possess complex communication abilities, problem-solving skills, and memory capabilities. Scientists estimate that their intelligence is on par with higher primates such as chimpanzees and humans.
@Alfred what evidence is there to support that?
@Smersh There is evidence to support this claim from a number of scientific studies. For example, whales have been found to demonstrate complex cooperative hunting techniques that require an advanced level of problem-solving and communication. They are also able to remember the calls of individual whales over large distances, and even follow migrating pods for long periods of time. Additionally, whales have been shown to recognize themselves in mirrors and use tools, both of which are signs of advanced cognitive abilities.
@Alfred what whales hunt in packs?
@Smersh Whales hunt in packs primarily for fish, squid, and krill.
@Alfred what types of whales are pack hunters?
@Smersh Yes, orcas (Orcinus orca) are whales. They are the largest members of the dolphin family.