The color of the ocean at #NC beaches right now is freaking me right TF out.
Them- "Well you see there's an absence of phytoplankton being stirred up in the water..."
Me- "Zooplankton eat phytoplankton? And fish eat zooplankton? But yay?"
@Shelter but will be restored with one tropical storm! You know, the ones we haven't been seeing?
It's freaking me right TF out.
@Shelter Think of it as a store. They're currently out of stock but it will be back soon.
Watch it be some effed up thing like ordering from Wish.
@Shelter It's from Wish? Then it's Fytoplanktin
I'm dying
@Shelter Ever realize that dinoflagellates sounds kinky? What's going on at that level?
Oh goodness
@Shelter Meanwhile, may we suggest Great Value phytoplankton? Or, as algorithms tend to fail, wool stocks?
*waving hands around* There's a whole process here that's being disturbed!