So I just introduced 16 to The Wilburys, and they said, "I feel like I'm leaving reality."

I apologize for having forgotten to before now.

And yes, that was a compliment.

Me- I was in the back room of the tuxedo rental place I worked in hemming pants when the radio announced that Roy Orbison was dead.

16- "That voice."


I just introduced 16 to Orbison's duet with k.d. lang on Crying and 16 yelled, HOLY SHIT have you been keeping her from me? And I said, No, I play her very often when I need to relax. You don't pay attention.

Let's all take a moment to remember how pissed off people got over this.

@Shelter - Oh my gosh! I thought it was great! (i can't remember if it was in the Stone or VF?!? πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ i had a sub to both back then, Interview too, but I'm positive it wasn't in that)

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