I wish you all could smell my house right now. We made Mogali chicken and tomato rice from this cookbook for lunch today. It was a lot of work, but it was worth it. And I will get to eat it for lunch again tomorrow. #CoSoCooking
In cleaning out the garage today, Sweetman and I found a box of swizzle sticks that had belong to his grandmother. I spent some time this afternoon sorting them with the kid, looking up all the places grandma had been. I sincerely hope that the 77 swizzle sticks from The Purple Jester were accumulated one Friday night at a time and not in one horrible bender. #nostalgia #vintage
I always like to start my day with a walk. Everything goes better if I get a little nature first thing. Here’s a brittle stem (fungi) that caught my eye today. So pretty! So tiny! Like a tiny parasol. #CoSoNature
You know the whole reason I have these oven mitts is so I can growl about pulling things out of the oven with “my bear hands.” #CoSoCooking
I used to use Shutterfly a LOT for sharing photos, and today they sent me this one and told me that it was 18 years ago, which seems impossible. But that little girl is still absolutely a mermaid and I still feel joy just thinking of her. #CoSoParents
I always miss my Grandma in August. It was her birthday month. Wrote this letter to her the year she died. https://medium.com/p/4b01e792647c #CoSoWriters
The kiddo has been baking for meals on wheels this summer. Check out the cookies they made this week. Are they cute? And some of the tastier sugar cookies I have ever eaten. I’m betting they put a smile on more than one meals on wheels recipient’s face. #CoSoCooking
I’m not feeling this whole “ be a productive adult” thing today. So let’s talk about ice cream sandwiches. These are my favorites. Not only does the waffle cone cookie part have a nice crisp texture, it also actually tastes like something which is not praise I can give most of the cookies that’s around the ice cream in an ice cream sandwich.  And the ice cream is rich enough without being so rich as to give me a stomachache.  How about you? Got a favorite? 
First day back at the day job after my convention weekend was more than a little crazy. I’ll try to take it as flattery that they panic when I’m not there. At least it’s job security. #CoSoWriters
A few pictures from Galaxycon this weekend. it was a very successful event. I sold 50 books. Which is a pretty good number in one weekend for me. I earned enough to pay for next year’s booth despite the ridiculous bump in price, and still get to take a little bit of money home to buy the restock with. Ah, author life. #CoSoWriters
I'm convention girl this weekend, selling my books at GalaxyCon in Raleigh, NC. It's one of those "bigbox" cons mostly about shopping for cool fandom things. I had a great first day, but boy-howdy am I tired now. I have a feeling it's going to take a lot of coffee to see me through the other three days. Do you attend these kinds of events (as a vendor or a fan)? #CoSoWriters
A blog hop I'm playing along with today asks what beloved childhood character you would be, given the chance. I had a hard time choosing. How about you? Who would you pick? https://samanthadunawaybryant.blogspot.com/2023/07/anne-pippi-nancy-madeline-ferdinand.html #CoSoReaders
Just read this series of short stories. I'm kind of liking this approach to anthology: releasing each story as it's own work instead of all of them in a single book, especially since they're all also available on audiobook. I also liked the Disorder series and the Forward series. Anyone else tried these out? #CoSoReaders
Categorized under "wins" for my writing life: my book was selected for a promotion of Third Act stories (books with characters over 65 years old). https://booktrib.com/2023/03/22/nine-novels-showcasing-65-stories-to-read-for-womens-history-month/ #CoSoWriters
Happy to claim my Irish ancestry today, and remember last summer’s visit fondly on this St. Patrick’s day. Here’s my very Irish photo on the River Shannon. #stpatricksday
Samantha Bryant wishes she were taller, faster, and braver, so she writes characters who are. She's best known for her Menopausal Superheroes series.