My late husband was on fast attacks. My ex-husband (#1) was on the boomers. Looks like you're also a fast attack guy.
@okika_hilo Yep. 3 of them. 637, 671, 697. We did some stuff.
@SSNBubblehead I think my late husband's first sub was the Guardfish. 612. He was a plank-owner. He died last year. He did an awful lot of stuff too.
@okika_hilo I was a plank owner on 697 (Indianapolis). Quite the experience. My service then has paid me back 10 fold over the years.
@okika_hilo It might be coincidental, but I was an A-ganger as well. And it's true. We could fix anything, from ice cream machines to 3000lb hydraulic pumps. By the time I left the service, I was about the best at doing my job as there was in the USN. Absolutely the go-to Maytag Repairman of SSNs. 😜
@SSNBubblehead RIGHT?! You end up being the kind of person who can think outside the box. 👍 😉