
Unnamed US official confirms Israeli airstrike in Iran.

And then there is this...(note the time).

Civilian aircraft are starting to vacate the scene, rapidly.

Diverting for regional hubs.

Per Iranian-run FARS news agency, the explosions were reported around Isfahan Airport and Hashtam Shikari Air Base.

Isfahan International Airport is where 3 squadrons of F-14As are located (81st, 82nd and 83rd TFS).

Flights to Tehran, Isfahan, Shiraz and all other airports in western Iran have been suspended, Iran's state-affiliated Mehr News Agency reports.


Iraqi sources are reporting that Israel has attacked a building in Baghdad holding high level IRGC and Shiite militia meetings. This would be unprecedented. Israel has never struck Baghdad openly before.



Today is Supreme Leader Khamenei's birthday.

Just sayin...


This is also not confirmed, yet.

NBC reporting 7 sites in Iran hit, all nuclear related.

Israel only has 2 weapons that can reach Bandar Abbas.

1: Jericho II ICBM's (conventional wahead)

2: Popeye Turbo (sub launched cruise missile, conventional warhead).

The whole world (with access to real time satellite images) would have screamed bloody murder if the Jericho silos opened up.

ABC now reporting that at least one Israel ballistic missile was fired into Iran.

(how that happened without the Russians or Chinese spilling the beans is beyond me)


Iranian news is claiming "no explosions on the ground and all aerial targets eliminated."

As if...

Video of the fires on the ground in Isfahan are already flying around the Internet and Iran didn't activate their air defenses or NOTAM until the attack was already over.

Fars News reports that nuclear facilities in Isfahan are secure

Iranian official: "There's been no airstrike in Isfahan or other parts of the country. They only made a failed and humiliating attempt to fly quadcopters, and they were all shot down."


ok then...

IDF Spokesman: At this time, there is no change in the directives of the Home Front Command. If there are any changes in the future, the public will be informed. -News12

U.S. source confirms an Israeli strike within Iran, says the U.S. was not involved, and there was pre-notification to U.S. from the Israelis

White House, NSC declining to comment on Middle East tonight.

"Tell Me, Mr. Anderson... What Good Is A Phone Call If You're Unable To Speak?"

Starting to look like this is a one and done strike by the IDF.

A message to the Mullahs. We can hit you hard, and you cannot hit us.

Dawn video from Isfahan nuclear reactor site shows all quiet. 23mm anti-aircraft guns manned but gunners standing around smoking cigarettes.

No fire, no smoke.


Iranian media downplaying the attack, calling it "Small and everything intercepted".

That might be an indicator that they're deescalating.


@_txgal Israel has their own air launched cruise missiles, they don't need AGM-158's.

It's called Delilah. And it has an extended range version.

@AnneW @Render Either that or he’s cheerleading… preening to the world that he knows something nobody else knows.

@Render what is Iran's capacity to attack back? I see something on the bird site about their airspace clearing around their missile sites. What are we looking at here..?


If western intel is accurate than Iran fired about half of their total capacity in the last round.

But they've had time to reload at least some of those silos since then.

@jordicusmaximus I'm gonna say Fateh-110's if they use them but uh probably nothing really =/ @Render

@jordicusmaximus I check up on their armaments and rough numbers - plus what they spent already - they really don't have shit. @Render

@Render is he insinuating a laser from space, or that he knew things?


meanwhile on CNN they are still going out of their way to say that they don’t know what’s going on or if this is even an Israeli operation.

@Render this restores my faith in the system, I was under the impression Israel was going to let retaliation slide after Iran said they were getting even for the embassy hit in Syria, my hopes were raised the past 2 days when Israel started rumbling about maybe conducting hits! Irans weapon development need crippled


Damn. I’ve looked at maps before but tonight I see more poignantly how small Israel is—under so much pressure 😞💙

@Minholkin @Render its about the size of New Jersey I have been told. and theyre surrounded by hostiles because of the Holy land so need to be very well armed.

@Render @Minholkin thank you! I remember reading that. The visual info is great. Helps put things into perspective.

@Render @Minholkin maybe that’s what is necessary. A zoom Out … media zooms in and that’s necessary too but being able to zoom out, I know just from my own projects, really does help me.

@Render any info on oil facilities or hubs? Doesn't look to me like the rapid explosive exit of Iran from the oil business ..?

Is it possible that post-attack NOTAM is because they're letting loose another bath of flying monke... er drones?


It is possible, but I think rather unlikely at this stage.

They know that their last wave was a complete failure despite its size, and that all of the fighter jets that took out 2/3rds (cruise/drone) of that wave are still in the region.

I don't think they want a repeat of that embarrassment.

I think they were just late in the NOTAM and in activating their air defenses. Which is also embarrassing to them.

"...oh, my bad, that's not a candle, it's a fuse."<boom>

@Render hopefully the last one he’ll celebrate


That would be a next level challenge.
Do they see this as the last chance?


There were drone sounds reported over Baghdad earlier.

@Render are you surprised that they can use Syrian airspace? Is it near the Kurds?


No. Neither the Syrians nor the Russians want anything to do with the IDF.

Yes, maybe, hard to say. Shortest distance between Syria/Iraq border and the known target site in Iran would be south of Kurdistan. But there isn't any reason why shortest distance would be needed.

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