When you're falling but all you can see is the ground rushing closer...

@LiberalLibrarian @Render

Hope the troll farms have good unemployment coverage in St Petersburg….oh wait…nevermind they will probably get conscripted.

@Render I wonder if he's trying to unplug it and plug it back in lol

@Susandoyle *SNORT* That could very well be. He's another stable genius, no?

@Render I misread that as 'Twitter outrages' and it still made sense 👍

I came REALLY close to using the other day's Lily Savage pic again for that 🤣

@Render i always hated him. From the start he gave me the creeps. Steve Jobs was a visionary, Elon Musk was always a cunt.


And I just saw this, but can't confirm the validity due to it being an anonymous app. The outages would seem to suggest it's leaning towards accurate 😬

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