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Melon Husk & #DFG together in a thread #politics #socialmedia Show more

If you are experiencing glitches or slowness, it is probably the result of our sudden, utterly unexplainable rise in popularity.

We can't explain it either. It's a mystery, wrapped in a riddle, ensconced inside of enigma, cold-pressed through a malevolent billionaire's hubris.

Why don't electric cars have an emergency PHYSICAL kill switch between the battery and the motors?

We have E-Brakes we can pull, keys we can take out of gas powered cars, but what if the electricity just keeps flowing into the motors of an electric??

So lets see: Musk inherited money from daddy's emerald mine, helped start a company that was basically a bank that took a percentage of internet transactions, then took over a car company and called it his own, then pissed away a bunch of money boring holes in the ground, building rockets on government dime, and overpromising satellite internet and solar panels. Oh and then shit the bed with twitter. Did I get it all?

He's a failure, we just didn't want to believe he could get that filthy rich

Teslas, all of them, are the Pinto death trap of the 2020s.


@Annothername I may or may not be in a city known for rain and coffee.

But yeah, I want to just let it die and forget about it but family I live with wants to try to keep it going.

How much are you supposed to water your sod lawn? Gallons per month wise I mean.

No I wouldn't have laid sod, but thats what the house came with (and no sprinkler system, but thats a whole other thing i'll have to deal with)

"You can't yell fire in a crowded theater" is an OK limit for the 1st amendment, but the 2nd amendment can't be touched written in stone k bye?

I don’t think Elon is a genius but it is amazing how he manages to keep stepping on such a small dick.

Don't casually drop misogyny in my replies, I don't care how much you believe johnny depp.

Jason Momoa wants to make a Lobo movie and why hasn't he been cut a check already!?!?!?!

When I did in-house IT at a company in the Windows 95/98/NT era, there was someone in HR who every six months or so, like clockwork, would start nuking files on her computer that she didn't recognize in order to clear up space, and I'd have to explain to her yet again why she shouldn't do that as I was reinstalling her OS.

I honestly can't think of a performance art that tests more skills than being a drag queen. You gotta design, build, sew, tell jokes, sing, dance, lip sync, act, all of it.

There is no spell to break. The GOP was always this racist, transphobic, homophobic, xenophobic, and greedy. They just hid it more. Willie Horton happend in the late 80's. Newt Gingritch happened in the 90's. Bush in the 2000's. The signs were all there.

JUST IN: SpaceX purchases large advertising package from Twitter.

Nah, never saw this coming,..... how long can Musk move money from his left pocket to his right?

My neighbor wants me to turn off my back porch light because she likes to keep her window shade open "so it feels like we are camping".

The next night she had xmas lights all over her back yard.

This is why I never want to talk with neighbors.

@struggle_bus or talk on speaker phone. I don’t need to hear your conversation about the kohls sale Tammy. And now I see more and more people face timing while in line or standing around people. Wtf.

I will never understand why, in the year 2022 of Our Lord Beyonce, people still want to talk on the phone. *shudders*

Democrats say "let's be clear" and "make no mistake" way way too much

I think liberalhater already got banned, his toots are gone from the firehose already 🤣

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