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Easter is a moveable feast.

Astrologically, Easter has always taken place on the first Sunday after the first full moon after The Spring Equinox. And this year, Easter just happened to fall on March 31st.

So all the conservatives can get over it, stop whining and bitching.

Blessed Ishtar/Ostara
Blessed Transgender Day of Visibility

This holiday was about Renewal, Rebirth, Sex and Fertility... not about Resurrecting a man plagiarized from the Gnostic texts, who was a Witch turned God.

Sorry I have been away for a bit. Been spiritually counseling a friend whose mother passed away a few weeks ago. I got him a good therapist & we're helping him settle final affairs.

Once he is able to finalize everything, he is letting my family move into the house & renting it, since we agreed to help with the care of his mother's animals. I swear one of them looks like Falcore from "The Neverending Story", so cute.

I'll keep you posted. BTW, his name is Dusty. Send good vibes to him please.

My Conspiracy of Ravens...

Sunday, Feb. 24th @ 11AM Central Time (NOON EST) on my YouTube Channel (

Gary Greenwald Died on Dec. 25th, 2023. On Feb. 24th, I pay Anti-Tribute to his notorious works. We, The D&D Generation are Avenged!

Well, that asshat Gray Greenwald who rallied against Rock Music, D&D, Kid's Toys, Halloween, and Cartoons (Deception of A Generation) has finally Kicked The Bucket!

What am I wearing to The Civil War?

I am the Official Commander of Hell's Belles Special Forces Team 666!

I was rather busy this holiday spending time with family and doing rituals.

A Belated Happy Holidays to Everyone!

"You may say I'm a Dreamer...
But I'm not the only one.
I hope someday you'll join us...
And The World will be as One."

John Lennon was taken from us on December 8th, 1980, when I was 5.

Then another funny thing happened. I saw some woman who claimed to be from Lebanon & made up a story of surviving terrorism. Turns out she had a Skin Bleaching job & turned herself from brown to white, then she changed her name from her Arabic Birth name to something American sounding and started an Anti-Muslim Shell Charity organization.

WOW! Talk about having Piss & Vinegar run through her veins.

Also, she was no victim, she was a socialite & spoiled child.

Brigitte Gabriel was it?

A funny thing happened on the way to the forum. I saw some big man from Australia claiming he was an Alpha Male & wrongly accused of being banned from Starbucks for masturbating in their Public Restroom & wrongfully accused of being banned from Hooters for remarks he made about how parents should be taking their kids to Hooters instead of Drag Story Time Hours.

Well, I couldn't help but read tweets he made about how Males should act like it's 1955...

...So I Blocked Him.

Nick Adams was it?

It is now 366 Days until The Next Halloween.

Blessed Samhain!

Happy Halloween!

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Miss Raven LaRue

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.