It’s Friday! Get it! #MakeSomeNoise #FridayFeeling #TGIF #Chihuahua #Dog
Daffy Sharkweek, a spicy red Chihuahua, barking at a large dog and being silly.
Some days you just have to be a feral chaos gremlin. #ThursdayThoughts #Affirmations #Chihuahua #Dog
Vinnie NoTail, a cream-colored Chihuahua, being a feral chaos gremlin and play biting.
Matty J’s Midweek Pick-Me-Up. #MidWeekPickMeUp #Chihuahua #ChihuahuaOfTheDay #Dog
A cream-colored Chihuahua under a blanket. When the blanket is pulled back he lifts his head for a head rub.
Higgs is enjoying a head rub on this peaceful Tongue Out Tuesday. #TongueOutTuesday #TOT #MinPin #Dog
A blissful chocolate Min Pin with a glorious tongue lag getting a head rub.
No touchy the peets, Human! #Chihuahua #MondayMood #NoTouchy #Dog
Vinnie NoTail, a cream-colored chihuahua, getting his foot tickled and being grumpily playful about it.
It’s Friday! Make Some Noise! #TGIF #Friyay #FridayFeeling #Shepherd #Dog
Fezzik, an Anatolian Shepherd/Husky mix barking conversationally at a human. He appears to want something.
Matty J’s Midweek Pick-Me-Up #MidWeekPickMeUp #Chihuahua #Dog
A montage of a cream colored chihuahua being cute and loving.
Bunny Buttercup is always ready for Tongue Out Tuesday. #TongueOutTuesday #TOT #Chihuahua #Dog
A cream colored chihuahua with a glorious tongue lag. She’s getting a head rub.
Ozzy isn’t ready for the weekend to be over yet. #MondayMood #Chihuahua #BostonTerrier #Dogs
A black and grey Chihuahua/Boston Terrier mix sitting cutely with a human.
It’s the first part of the month and Rio is here to ask for donations. We need canned food of all kinds and funding for the yearly vaccination farm call. Anything you can spare helps!
#DonatePlease #Dog
A black and white Chihuahua mix lounging on a bed.
Matty J’s Midweek Pick-Me-Up! #MidWeekPickMeUp #Bliss #Chihuahua #Dog
An old cream-colored Chihuahua getting a double handed head rub and looking blissful about it.
Throwback Thursday to Remy The Wise’s deep thoughts. #ThrowbackThursday #DeepThoughts #Chug #Dog
An old black chihuahua/pug mix standing in early morning sunlight looking majestically out into the distance.
Matty J’s Midweek Pick-me-up! #MidWeekPickMeUp #Chihuahua #Dog
A cream-colored chihuahua sleeping adorably curled up against the hip of a black and white chihuahua mix.
Bunny Buttercup! #Chihuahua #Dog #ChihuahuaOfTheDay
A cream-colored chihuahua bouncing across a green yard.
When in doubt, be dramatic about it. #Philosophy #Dog #Chihuahua
Rotten, a tri-colored Chihuahua, being dramatic about dinner time.
Matty J is here to seriously make your day better. #MidWeekPickMeUp #Chihuahua #Dog
A cream-colored chihuahua sitting in a Human’s lap for head rubs.
Bunny just wants to snuggle on this foggy Monday Morning. MondayMood #Chihuahua #Dog
A cream-colored chihuahua snuggling with a Human and getting her chest rubbed.
Be yourself. #Philosophy #Dog #Chihuahua.
Vinnie NoTail, a cream-chihuahua, lying on his back and being silly.
Matty J is here with your midweek pick-me-up! #MidweekPickMeUp #Chihuahua #Dog
A montage of Matty J looking cute and cuddling with a Human and other dogs.
501 (c)(3) sanctuary for elderly, terminally ill and unadoptable small dogs. We provide end of life care, and do not adopt out.