@Graci We had a Red Shouldered hawk out in our pasture mulberry tree making a racket. I sat out on the porch and listened to him while i was working yesterday.
Louie knows fabulous ears. Look at those radar dishes! #FabulousEarsFriday #Louie #AmarilloGang #OldDogs
Lily NoNo from the Amarillo Gang knows what to do with life’s lemons. #ThursdayThoughts #LilyNoNo #AmarilloGang #OldDogs
Matty J’s Midweek Pick-me-up. #HmphDay #MidweekPickMeUp #MattyJ
A cute cream-colored chihuahua lying in a loaf position on a bed. He yawns and licks the air.
Vinnie has his $#!+ causing ears on this Friday. #FabulousEarsFriday #VinnieNoTail
A cream colored chihuahua staring aggressively at a black chihuahua. His ears are erect and fabulous.
Nominate us for a chance to win a $25,000 grant from Tractor Supply @ http://TractorSupply.com/RescueYourRescYourRescue
We're in Prague, Oklahoma.
Email - [email protected]
And our phone is in the second row on https://www.pughollowsanctuary.org/donate.php
Matty J’s Midweek Pick-Me-Up. We went to visit the Pop over the weekend, and Matty J was very excited. #MidweekPickeMeUp #HmphDay #MattyJ #RottenDog
Two chihuahuas barking excitedly while wearing harnesses.
Faith is still on vacation, but she managed a tiny blep with some equally tiny teeth for #TongueOutTuesday!
Follow up to Matty J’s Midweek Pick-me-up… Whether it’s a chicken run or a fluffy pillow, Matty J knows how to get what he wants out of life. #ThursdayThoughts #MattyJ.
Matty J’s midweek pick-me-up! #MidWeekPickMeUp #MattyJ
A cream-colored chihuahua cutely stealing a Human’s back support pillow. The pillow has a small slit in the cover and the chihuahua is sitting inside the pillow slightly.
Bunny Buttercup Blep! #TongueOutTuesday #BunnyButtercup
A cream-colored chihuahua getting scratches. Her tongue is poking out.
Harry and Tank having a silly Saturday skitter. #SillySaturday #Skitter #HarryHoundini #TankGirl
A black and tan chiweenie playing with a black dachshund mix.
Matty J’s Midweek Pick-me-up! #MidWeekPickMeUp #HmphDay #MattyJ
A cream colored chihuahua enjoying a good massage.
501 (c)(3) sanctuary for elderly, terminally ill and unadoptable small dogs. We provide end of life care, and do not adopt out.