Vinnie is ready to attack the week. #MondayMuttness #VinnieNoTail
A cream-colored chihuahua chewing on a human’s hand.
Tank is trying to share her Friday Feelings, but Ozzy keeps getting distracted.
#TankGirl #OzzyPawsbourne #FridayFeelings #Friyay #TGIF. A black dachshund wiggling & bouncing as she tries to get a black ChiBoston to play. The Chiboston keeps getting distracted & wandering off.
Zeb has learned how to exert his effort to maximum effect (and you can tell he’s done it before by the food trail across the couch…) #ThursdayThoughts #Zebulon #100LBSmallDog
A large hound mix lying on an ottoman, licking dog food out of a small bowl on the couch next to him.
Quick attribution correction: The audio is by & it is CCBYNC. I have two audio with similar names, and I just realized I attributed the other creator...
Mine! #SillySaturday #VinnieNoTail
A cream-colored chihuahua growling rabidly while playing violent tug-o-war with a blanket.
@Maude I remember growing up in the Panhandle, and if you didn't hit caliche when you dug, you hit that lovely super dense West Texas clay... any time you wanted to plant or build anything, you had to soak the dig part way through to be able to get down far enough.
Mid-week Matty J. pick-me-up! #WednesdayWoofness #HmphDay #MattyJ
A cream-colored chihuahua howling in a squeaky broken tone. He makes a rough half-started bark-howl at the beginning and end.
The Scribe mentioned trimming Bunny’s claws. The Bun is not a fan of that idea. #MondayMuttness #BunnyButtercup.
A cream colored chihuahua shivering violently. Her tongue is peeking out.
7 seconds of Matty J. #WednesdayPickMeUp #HmphDay #MattyJ
A cream-colored chihuahua luxuriating in getting massaged.
When Vinnie decides to do the Tongue Out Tuesday thing, he goes the extra mile. #TongueOutTuesday #VinnieNoTail
Chip maniac ASMR. #SillySaturday #Chompsky
A cinnamon chihuahua sitting in sunny grass crunching happily on corn chips.
501 (c)(3) sanctuary for elderly, terminally ill and unadoptable small dogs. We provide end of life care, and do not adopt out.